Sheet metal undergoes various forming operations before they are used in applications. Several beautiful curves are created, and holes are drilled on the sheet metal as per the application requirements. However, when you see a piece of sheet metal, you may wonder how these details are created on the flimsy and easily bent sheet metal. Here is where sheet metal strengthening comes into the picture. There are several ways you can strengthen sheet metal. This blog lists the same.
Looking out for ways to enhance the structural integrity of sheet metal? Here are some tips.
How to Strengthen Sheet Metal
- Bend - Bend sheet metal panel over its edges. How large the bend should be? It can be decided as per the application requirements, and the level of rigidity needed. To create bends, you can utilize a body hammer, dolly, or a metal brake.
- Wire Edge – This is done by putting a small piece of metal wire near the edge of the panel. Now, fold the edge of the metal over the metal wire. In addition to strengthening sheet metal panel, this method helps in enhancing the finish of the panel edges.
- Bead Roller - Use a bead roller to create various bead profiles and designs, which contribute in boosting the panel’s structural integrity. The tool is supplied with several dies with which you can create desired beads and steps.
- Bead or Grooved Seam – Drilling holes directly into the sheet metal panel affects its rigidity. However, there will be situations wherein you will have to drill holes. How do you go about strengthening areas around the hole? Forming a bead or a grooved seam near the edges of the holes is the ultimate solution.
- Enhance the Profile – Change the shape of the metal. Adding a bulge or curve into the panel will help. You can achieve this with a help of a hammer and a sandbag, or an English wheel.